Rejecting a religious doctrine does not reject God.

Many have rejected God and religion; some refuse to believe anything that appears to disagree with science; still others have no need for anything that doesn’t fit “modern” ideas or improve their materialistic life. Rejecting organized religion, disallowing doctrines that are intellectually invalid or morally repugnant is not rejecting God. Some see God as the…

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Shed the darkness of religious lethargy; Enjoy the amazing adventure of personally experiencing divine power

Religion without a vibrant, personal spiritual connection to the divine source is like the reflection of a flame in a mirror; it contains no heat. Some discover an exciting, intimate association with God through religious participation. Others may use such involvement as a substitute; they assume that attending church and participating in ritual constitutes a…

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Wasting time, energy, and emotions on illusions causes discontent

Someone says or does something; suddenly a worrisome thought spawns in our mind. We unconsciously react, thus giving power to the false idea that this is a real problem. Thus starts the building crescendo of emotions and thoughts about the false problem. As we mature, we learn to pause and evaluate if we are facing…

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Do you live in the “SOMEDAY ISLE”?

The Someday Isle is a little like Never-Never Land. Of course, adults don’t really believe in Peter Pan and Never-Never Land; however, many supposedly mature people spend a lot of time in The Someday Isle where they may join the chant that pervades the land.  “Someday Isle … Someday Isle… Someday Isle…” Someday I’ll quit…

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God's love heals our emotional wounds

God’s love naturally flows to our individual need, and there, like healing oil, supplies the exact agent required to heal the suffering. Sometimes the healing is a direct response but other times, we receive an option to see, think, and feel differently; we must choose to pursue that option to facilitate the healing. We find…

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A jar full of vinegar can’t hold honey

We cannot be loving and angry at the same time; we cannot be full of gratitude and also have guilt, anxiety, fear, or resentments. When these miserable feelings start bothering us, we focus on the positive things in our life. Write a gratitude list. This action changes our attitude quicker that a 1000 thoughts. The…

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