A jar full of vinegar can’t hold honey

We cannot be loving and angry at the same time; we cannot be full of gratitude and also have guilt, anxiety, fear, or resentments. When these miserable feelings start bothering us, we focus on the positive things in our life.

Write a gratitude list. This action changes our attitude quicker that a 1000 thoughts. The misery starts melting as you take pen in hand and start writing. Pause as you write the name of a person you love or someone who loves you and become aware of the appreciation for that person in your life; consider how walking, seeing, living, breathing are blessings; feel the love and security from knowing that you are a child of a loving God. Reflect on the truth that these are the really important things in your life. Experience thankfulness as you trace the times that God’s grace filled you hope when hopeless; with direction, when wandering; with a word or act of kindness from someone when desperate; with love when alone and feeling unlovable. Honey replaces the vinegar inside in your heart, mind, and soul.

Prayer: My divine parent, creator of all, please wash the bitterness, envy, anger, guilt and all negative, hurtful feelings from my soul. Replace each with love and gratitude. Help me be aware of the seen and unseen blessings in my life. Thank you for loving and helping this child.

Take three relaxing breaths and spend a few moments in quiet meditation