Anger is a physical and emotional manifestation of spiritual immaturity.

Every gets angry—right? It’s just “normal.” Using this excuse to justify anger guarantees we’ll keep getting angry. Seeing anger as normal leads us to see it as acceptable and ok; it’s just something we have to tolerate. However, seeing anger as a trait that causes us problems and one which we can eliminate or minimize leads to a much more beneficial outcome.

Become aware of each episode of anger; accept it as a human feeling that you want to change; pause, take three very deep breaths and exhale slowly. Immediately ask your inner guide to help you not react and lash out, to let you see the underlying reason for your reaction, and to replace the anger with peace and tolerance; ask that your desire to become a better person and the need to be rid of this debilitating anger be strengthened in your heart. Deeply ingrained emotional responses such as years of practicing anger may not be removed quickly. Do not be discouraged; recognize the improvement every time you avoid anger. We are not doormats. We do not allow others to use us or abuse us; however, we must find the peace, poise, and understanding to handle situations in a way that will be a blessing to our inner self and a demonstration of spiritual power to all people.

Prayer: Grant me peace at this moment. Let your love quiet my mind and emotions and save me from responding in anger. Help me see that this feeling is mine, it is inside of me and part of me; open my eyes that I may see that I want to be better than this; give me wisdom to understand that real or imagined wrongs done by others cannot affect me when I feel your presence and your love.

Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; reflect on the content, pausing for a few minutes in silence.