Shed the darkness of religious lethargy; Enjoy the amazing adventure of personally experiencing divine power

Religion without a vibrant, personal spiritual connection to the divine source is like the reflection of a flame in a mirror; it contains no heat. Some discover an exciting, intimate association with God through religious participation. Others may use such involvement as a substitute; they assume that attending church and participating in ritual constitutes a spiritual life. But half-hearted spirituality produces few results in daily living.

The personal spiritual quest is not dull, boring and glum; it’s an exciting adventure of discovering an indwelling source of power and guidance and finding solutions that actually solve the problems of life. This journey unleashes the additional source of spiritual energy that makes possible the greatest transformations possible in this life: this power moves us from addiction to freedom; from fear, anxiety, and anger to courage, peace, love, and tolerance; from weak and undirected drifting—blown hither and yon by the winds of life—to strength of character, certainty of purpose and unquestioned principles. This quest finds and welcomes the shift in attitude that views adversity as challenges, triumphs over overwhelming difficulties, and is willing to reach out the hand of love and compassion to the less fortunate.

Prayer: Dear God, break my shackles of lethargy, apathy and rebellion; grant me the willingness to launch a new life, to have the courage to explore and find all that I might be. Guide my efforts to find you, to feel and experience the inner spirit you so graciously gave me. Grant me the wisdom to allow this spirit to transform my life.

Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; reflect on the content, pausing for a few minutes in silence.