Stop worrying. Eliminate “If”, “What if “and “If only” from your vocabulary

Worrying contributes nothing to solving problems. In fact, it often prevents or interferes with finding real solutions. But worry becomes a habit, an automatic reaction when faced with things we can’t control. It starts as a single thought but can quickly grow to dominate our mind and is much easier to control before it grows into a giant.

The words “If”, “What if” and “If only” often precede the worrisome thoughts. “If” she does this, it will be a catastrophe. “What if” this happens? “If only” they would do this.” It’s hard to worry without using these words. Eliminate them from your vocabulary. Write them in large print and put them in conspicuous places—on a mirror, your dresser, the refrigerator, the dashboard of your car. Every time you notice them, reflect on how much contention these short phrases cause you; commit to becoming aware of them as soon as they pop into your mind; ask your inner spirit for help to not use them.

 Prayer: Dear God, please help me to stop this worrying that upsets me and causes inner tension and turmoil. Help me recognize when I start thinking about IF, WHAT IF and IF ONLY and to turn to you immediately for help; I know that you can stop this harmful journey into concern over things I cannot control.

Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; reflect on the content, pausing for a few minutes in silence.