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Shed the darkness of religious lethargy; Enjoy the amazing adventure of personally experiencing divine power

Religion without a vibrant, personal spiritual connection to the divine source is like the reflection of a flame in a...

Anger is a physical and emotional manifestation of spiritual immaturity.

Every gets angry—right? It’s just “normal.” Using this excuse to justify anger guarantees we’ll keep getting angry. Seeing anger as...

The value of a vessel is its emptiness.

Clay is formed into a vessel. The emptiness bounded by the clay creates the usefulness of the vessel. Walls, windows,...

Love people; use things. Don’t use people and love things

Our world focuses on “things.” We are bombarded with the concept that our life will be better if we just...

Guilt often comes from expectations

Guilt is a feeling of culpability of being responsible or blameworthy for harm or error. Like fear, guilt can be...

“Silent Agreement” can spawn lies, sever loyalties, and lessen something honest or good without uttering a word.

Yes, silence may be golden, but failing to stand for our core values costs a heavy price (always for us...