Love people; use things. Don’t use people and love things

Our world focuses on “things.” We are bombarded with the concept that our life will be better if we just get this “thing”; we are told that we will experience love and exquisite bliss if we just buy this certain object. And it’s a lie. “Things” can make our life easier or more enjoyable; using them may add to our pleasure but can never be the source of deep and lasting happiness.  

Loving other people and being able to receive love are essential in fulfilling our human potential. Loving relationships are the heartbeat of our very existence, a vital need to every individual. Love flows from the eternal source but must move through us to others to become a part of our own experience. Love is “an active and healthy concern for a person’s well-being” and not a desire for, or an affection of, a thing.

Prayer: Infinite source and my indwelling connection to God, help me open my heart, mind and soul to become more aware of the divine flow of your love; grant me understanding, compassion, and tolerance to bestow this gift to all I meet this day—especially to any that may offend or hurt me. Let me appreciate the material blessings, the “things” of life, but not be overly concerned with any of them.

Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; reflect on the content, pausing for a few minutes in silence.