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“Silent Agreement” can spawn lies, sever loyalties, and lessen something honest or good without uttering a word.

Yes, silence may be golden, but failing to stand for our core values costs a heavy price (always for us...

Wasting time, energy, and emotions on illusions causes discontent

Someone says or does something; suddenly a worrisome thought spawns in our mind. We unconsciously react, thus giving power to...

If nothing changes, NOTHING changes

If we keep doing what we’ve been doing, we’ll keep getting the same results (and keep feeling the way we’re...

Blaming other people for the way I feel gives them control over my life

Yes, other people can do things that offend or hurt us but it’s our choice on how we react. If...

Do you live in the “SOMEDAY ISLE”?

The Someday Isle is a little like Never-Never Land. Of course, adults don’t really believe in Peter Pan and Never-Never...

God's love heals our emotional wounds

God’s love naturally flows to our individual need, and there, like healing oil, supplies the exact agent required to heal...