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Would you rather be happy or right?

Sometimes we may feel a need to prove our self “right,” to win a disagreement to make the other person...

Wherever you are, be there

Life is always better if we can stay focused on THIS moment. We cannot change a thing we did just...

Un-returned love is not wasted but flows back to soften and purify the heart of the lover

Love is an active and healthy concern for a person’s well-being; a desire to good for others. When we bestow...

Imagined fears ruin my day; the dreads of my imagination are always worse than reality.

Few things that consume us with fear, anxiety or worry ever happen the way we imagine. A single thought of...


Actually living is more than just existing – more than being a passenger along for the ride. Living is not...

Would you rather be happy or right?

Sometimes we may feel a need to prove our self “right,” to win a disagreement to make the other person...