Wherever you are, be there

Life is always better if we can stay focused on THIS moment. We cannot change a thing we did just 5 minutes ago; we cannot control any person or event in tomorrow. Our mind and actions in this precise moment are all that we can realistically hope to control. God lives in eternity but he responds to us in the moment of NOW.

Yesterday and everything about it is gone forever; tomorrow is but a possibility. This moment, the one we are living right now is truly all that we have. Our body always stays in the moment—it is always in the NOW. Our mind is the only part of us that time travels. It journeys into the past, re-lives events, and returns with guilt, resentment, and regret; or it journeys into the future and brings back anxiety, dread, and fear. Once our mind has developed this time travelling habit, training it to stay home may be difficult. We access our inner spiritual power and ask for help; we strive for constant awareness and appreciation of every happening of every moment. Living in the moment actually improves our abilities in the real world. We still make plans but learn to not spend mental energy thinking about anything today that we cannot take an action on today. Making plans outlines actions; having expectations anticipates results.

Prayer: Father, me appreciate and love your world, others, and myself in each small moment as it passes; guide my thoughts; help me keep them in the NOW, in the very moment-by-moment experiences of this day.

 Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; reflect on the content, pausing for a few minutes in silence.