“Silent Agreement” can spawn lies, sever loyalties, and lessen something honest or good without uttering a word.

Yes, silence may be golden, but failing to stand for our core values costs a heavy price (always for us and sometimes for others.) Make no mistake: Silence is tacit agreement with what has been said or done.

Like so many things, the motive for silence is more important than the act itself. “Why” we fail to speak determines the ultimate effect on our character. If the occurring words or deed reflect something that is not important, or we have no belief or knowledge about it, social grace may let us pass on stating our conviction or opinion. However, failing to address an action that conflicts with our life purpose, beliefs, or values because we fear others people’s opinions, are concerned with the repercussions that may be inflicted upon us, or we just want to “get along” causes three problems:

  1. Our silent agreement adds weight, strength, and credibility to something that offends us or that we feel is in error.
  2. Each such act takes a piece of our integrity, ethics, and courage.
  3. Repeated failures build character patterns until we are conditioned not to be speak out against anything.Spiritual maturity and wisdom guide us when to speak loving, tactful, courageous words.

Prayer: Dear God, guide my mind this day. Give me wisdom, peace and courage as I engage with all people. Help me to always stand for what is important; guide me to speak and act with poise, loyalty and conviction but not be overly involved with the trifles of life.

Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; reflect on the content, pausing for a few minutes in silence.