I will live every day until I die; will I settle for mediocrity or reach for happiness and joy?

Some will Say “Duh–that’s dumb. Of course I’m going to live every day until I die. “But what about today, this little 24 hour time period right now? Am I really going to live it or just slide through it?  Will I gain a single thing from this day that makes it worth the time and effort?

Today, we’ll make a number of choices. The quality of this day and the long-term impact of these decisions often depend on whether these choices are guided by self-directed will or by our inner spirit. Self-directed will:  things must happen in our self-imposed time requirements; people should act according to our needs or desires; and everything appears important. The results are impatience, tension, anxiety, worry, and intolerance.

Living with spirit-directed will shifts our priorities and actions. It’s less important that we get our way, be the center of attention, control everything, or rush to accomplish unimportant tasks. We do what needs to be done and experience peace as we do it. We take time to take a deep breath, be kind to someone, share a smile, and actually feel grateful for the friends and family in our life. We will live every day until we die—but we do have a choice on how we spend this day.

Prayer: My potent and loving inner spirit, guide my thoughts, actions and emotions this day. Help me stay aware of your presence and power in my life; grant me the wisdom to pause when agitated and the insight to see with loving understanding. Let this be a day of peace, learning, and hope.

Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; reflect on the content, pausing for a few minutes in silence.