Modern Spirituality
The mind is the gateway to the soul; It can ignite spiritual growth or breed self-driven will that causes incessant misery.
Do you ever consider the true power of your mind? This is where we make the choices that determine the quality of each moment and each day. These decisions influence our education, relationships, career and future. Everything centers on how we use our mind. Do we use this marvelous thinking machine to access a gateway…
Read MoreIt matters not what name I give God. He (She) is more concerned with my spiritual progress than my salutation.
Can limited, finite beings adequately name the infinite? THIS is the first Cause, the One before all things, who separated time from eternity, space from infinity to give home to the universes. He/She is the origin and upholder of the stars, planets, and all contained in the cosmos, the over-soul of creation and the designer…
Read MoreGod supports spiritual progress; he does not gratify ease-seeking egos.
Mis-understanding what God does and doesn’t do and about what we are responsible to do leads to frustration and doubt about the value of the spiritual life. God participates in our spiritual growth and development but does not satisfy our immature material or emotional desires. If we’re broke, God will not help us hit the…
Read MoreScience without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. Albert Einstein
True science and spirituality need not be foes. Only mediocre scientists or fearful religionists deny or attack the other realm. Any scientific assessment is valid only for material things; it cannot measure anything that is not physical. For example, no scientific apparatus will ever accurately measure a mother’s love for her child. Scientific instruments can…
Read MoreEach of us have a indwelling divine presence that offers guidance, power, and security
We have been told: Everyone has the Buddha within. Siddhārtha Gautama 550BC Nor will they say “Look here” or Look there” for the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21 We found the Great Reality deep down within. In the final analysis, it was only there that He may be found. (AA Big Book…
Read MoreRejecting a religious doctrine does not reject God.
Many have rejected God and religion; some refuse to believe anything that appears to disagree with science; still others have no need for anything that doesn’t fit “modern” ideas or improve their materialistic life. Rejecting organized religion, disallowing doctrines that are intellectually invalid or morally repugnant is not rejecting God. Some see God as the…
Read MoreShed the darkness of religious lethargy; Enjoy the amazing adventure of personally experiencing divine power
Religion without a vibrant, personal spiritual connection to the divine source is like the reflection of a flame in a mirror; it contains no heat. Some discover an exciting, intimate association with God through religious participation. Others may use such involvement as a substitute; they assume that attending church and participating in ritual constitutes a…
Read MoreToday is the first day of the rest of my life
Did you make a mistake yesterday? Did you do something you really wish you hadn’t done? No one on this planet can go back in time and change what has happened even five minutes ago. If necessary, we may have to apologize or make amends and then, we must completely release the error. This day—this…
Read MoreWherever you are, be there
Life is always better if we can stay focused on THIS moment. We cannot change a thing we did just 5 minutes ago; we cannot control any person or event in tomorrow. Our mind and actions in this precise moment are all that we can realistically hope to control. God lives in eternity but he…
Read MoreUn-returned love is not wasted but flows back to soften and purify the heart of the lover
Love is an active and healthy concern for a person’s well-being; a desire to good for others. When we bestow love to someone, the acts and feeling of love flow from us to them. Nothing about the definition requires or even suggests that we will receive love as a reciprocal act. It’s not about us.…
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