God supports spiritual progress; he does not gratify ease-seeking egos.

Mis-understanding what God does and doesn’t do and about what we are responsible to do leads to frustration and doubt about the value of the spiritual life. God participates in our spiritual growth and development but does not satisfy our immature material or emotional desires. If we’re broke, God will not help us hit the lottery. Nor will he violate someone’s power of free-will choice and make them love us, forgive us, or appreciate us.

The divine response is 100% consistent, reliable, and dependable when we align our desires and requests with God’s will or universe law; it is not as responsive when we try to bend or change the divine to fit our immature wishes. When we sincerely ask for help to improve ourselves, we get results. Sometimes, we may see a drastic, immediate change in our life circumstances; at other times, the results take some time to unfold. We can also receive spiritual direction and spiritual power. Quiet prayer reveals guidance to make the most beneficial decision; then, choosing the spiritual alternative opens that “unsuspected” inner reservoir of strength that helps us over come almost insurmountable obstacles.

Prayer: God, help me realize and accept what is your job in my life, what you will and won’t do. Let me shed any false expectations about you. Elevate my priorities and thoughts so that I may enjoy that peace that passes all human understanding. It is my will that your will be done.

Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; pause for a few minutes in silence