It’s hard to balance on a two-legged stool

You never see a two-legged stool. It takes three legs to provide stable and dependable support. Our life journey is similar.  Using just the physical and mental aspects of our lives is like to trying to sit on a two-legged stool—we achieve a short-term balance; then, the slightest disruption starts that uncertain wobbling once again.

Adding the third leg, the spiritual leg, provides stability, poise, and peace; we can sit and enjoy the moment without the scurrying to regain and keep our balance. An effective spiritual leg provides purpose, direction, and energy for life; it opens the conduit to access the ‘kingdom of heaven within” and offers the “peace that passes all human understanding” in the face of inevitable adversity, tribulation, or success.

Prayer: My spiritual source, I invite you to join me in my life this day. Let me be aware of you as I go through this day; let me pause, connect with you, and allow you to influence and direct my thoughts, my desires, and my actions. Let me quietly seek your wisdom and power any time I feel shaky, unsure, or afraid.

 Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; reflect on the content, pausing for a few minutes in silence.