Character growth or character building? One follows the natural path; the other is doing it my way.

Building indicates that I have the blueprint, that I am the planner and the “doer”; growth infers that I am willing to plant the seed, nurture and water it with the right thoughts and actions, and let God and nature decide the direction and timing of my natural growth.

We’ve reached that point where we recognize certain actions, attitudes, and words that cause discontent or misery; we become willing to shed these traits and replace them with higher values and actions. Then, comes the hard part: we must release the control over how and when this happens; we cannot force spiritual growth or emotional maturity to follow our plan. We ask our inner spirit source for help, guidance and strength to become the best version of our self; we acknowledge that this source of infinite power and love can do for us what we cannot do for our self; we know that this mighty expulsive energy can cleanse us, removing all obstacles to growth; we allow ourselves to develop according to the divine plan, the plan which opens the door to infinite possibilities and benefits instead of following our self-directed scheme.  The act is ours; the consequence, God’s.

Prayer: My divine and infinite loving companion, I give you myself this day. Remove from me any thought, word or deed that impedes my effectiveness for you or for helping anyone; fill me with your divine wisdom and strength; nurture the things, meanings, and values that I need; let the water of your love refresh my soul and generate growth guided by you.

Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; reflect on the content, pausing for a few minutes in silence.