The less love in any person’s nature, the greater his or her need for love
We sometimes encounter people who hurt us, try to use us, or even abuse us. We have a choice in how we respond. Accepting the simple truth that “Those who feel loved, act lovingly” offers a perspective that might temper our response. All true love comes from the divine source, flows to each person, through…
Read MoreRejecting a religious doctrine does not reject God.
Many have rejected God and religion; some refuse to believe anything that appears to disagree with science; still others have no need for anything that doesn’t fit “modern” ideas or improve their materialistic life. Rejecting organized religion, disallowing doctrines that are intellectually invalid or morally repugnant is not rejecting God. Some see God as the…
Read MoreShed the darkness of religious lethargy; Enjoy the amazing adventure of personally experiencing divine power
Religion without a vibrant, personal spiritual connection to the divine source is like the reflection of a flame in a mirror; it contains no heat. Some discover an exciting, intimate association with God through religious participation. Others may use such involvement as a substitute; they assume that attending church and participating in ritual constitutes a…
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