To thine ownself be true

This has been around for over 2500 years as a guideline to a great life and is still essential to enjoying the best life possible. If we are not true to our values, we will be as a ship without a rudder, blown hither and yon by the winds of the world; if we are not true to our ideals, we have no anchor told hold us fast in times of uncertainty and turmoil. We will compromise everything to achieve temporary goals; the opinions of others will control our life.  

I must know myself before I can be true to myself. I must honestly understand my values, purpose, ideals, assets, and liabilities; then, I must accept myself just as I am. Yes, I have made mistakes. I am not a perfect person but I am a child of God and trying my best; I accept the glory and blemishes of being me and have the desire and willingness to improve. Staying true to myself means that I know and will strive to live my core values, to demonstrate them in all parts of my life; when necessary, in spite of fear and trepidation, in spite of being one against the many, I will stand and speak for the principles that are important to me. As a child of the divine, I will try to demonstrate humility, trustworthiness, honor, courage, integrity, truth, ethics, compassion, mercy, and honesty.

Prayer: My God, help me to honestly examine my core values, the qualities I hold dearest in life, and elevate these to reflect the values you want me to embrace. Give me the courage and the strength to stand for these against all opposition, and the wisdom to think, speak, and act according to your will.

Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; reflect on the content, pausing for a few minutes in silence.