It is what is! Reality does not require on my approval

So simple it is almost an insult; however, I spent a lot of my life knowing this but failed to apply it to my life. I missed the simple truth that reality is reality and does not depend on my wants, desires or opinion. I was more concerned with what I wanted, what I thought should happen, what was fair, how other people should appreciate me and so on. Today, I try to remember, “It is what is”.

I can accept what I’m facing exactly as it is at this moment or I can whine, gripe, complain, blame or whatever. None of these affect the reality of the situation or advance a solution. Accepting does not mean agreement or approval, does not imply that the situation is “according to God’s plan”, or that it will stay this way forever. Acceptance does require that I recognize and accept the facts, the reality of what is in front of me. Problems are much easier to solve when dealing with reality instead living in a land of fantasies or waiting for what should happen.

Prayer: My heavenly parent and indwelling spirit, please help me accept the reality of my situation today. Help to feel your love, mercy and peace. If my times are troublesome, let your strength and presence carry me over the rocks today; if times are good, help me to feel grateful but not take undue credit. Awaken me to any opportunity that I may have to help one of your children and guide me to act according to your will.