I sometimes take the people closest to me for granted

and fail to extend the respect, courtesy, and love I feel for them. I need to treat the people I love and value as well as I treat co-workers, friends, and casual acquaintances. Without attention and awareness, close relationships can suffer from familiarity—that attitude of quiet indifference. We expect people to know that they are important to us because of a few words we say or past actions should have proven it.

We must continually demonstrate the value we have for the people close to us. Love is not a passive, taken-for-granted, it’s all about me attitude. We remember and acknowledge the birthday, listen with our heart when they need to talk, and give those unexpected flowers, a card, or small gift. We can prepare a special meal (perhaps with an unexpected romantic setting); we communicate—actually tell them how much they add to our life and how grateful we are that they share our time, our hopes, and the adversities we face. We can give a quiet loving touch, a hug that demonstrates caring. Appreciation and value can be demonstrated on physical, mental, spiritual and emotional levels.

Prayer: My powerful and intimate inner spirit, help me be aware of the value of those people closest to me; help me do those little acts of kindness and love that adds a sparkle to their day, acts that demonstrate the importance I place on each of them being a part of my life
Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; reflect on the content, pausing for a few minutes in silence.