God and the Satellite internet

A recent problem with my satellite internet connection demonstrated once again that I can see God in many things—if I am receptive.

We live off- grid in the high mountains of Colorado and were having a recurring problem with the satellite internet connection. A satellite orbiting 22,300 miles above the earth transmits the signal to a dish on our house. Severe weather conditions or something physical on the receiving dish itself (tree branches, snow, clutter) can interfere, but the weather was crystal clear and eliminated these possibilities.

A technician found that my home signal varied significantly in strength. It would be strong and then just decrease by a factor of 20 which would actually break the connection at times.  The measured signal from the source stayed consistently strong. We concluded that my modem was at fault and ordered a new one. Hopefully this eliminates or at least minimizes my internet connection problems.

As I watched the modem incoming signals vary so drastically, I realized that this is the same way my connection with God works. He is constantly “beaming” love, power, and peace toward me offering strong, vibrant and living connection. Sometimes I allow outer conditions to interfere. But more often it seems that my inner modem of receptivity blocks, garbles, or minimizes my reception. I fail to pause and pray; I fail to slow down and just give thanks; I fail to recognize the beauty, love and absolute wonder of His creation, my family, and my life. I get distracted by trifles, become immersed with “doing” instead of being aware of just “being.” But His signal is always there—strong, consistent, and powerful. I just need to re-boot or actually change what I’m doing to improve my inner modem and re-gain my receptivity.