Build a memory today

I have experienced the great advantage of almost dying, of being pretty certain that I would not live to see another day. Near death, I had few thoughts of my work, of my money or the possessions I was leaving behind. As I lay there, I realized that the one thing I would change about my life was asking the impossible–that I would have grown wiser, earlier. So I focused on the blessings I had enjoyed instead of whining about what I may have missed.

My reflections centered on my relationships and the wonderful life I had experienced. I have loved and been loved; I had sunk to the darkest depths, have been in that dark night of the soul but had also experienced the majestic transformation that comes from finding God in this short life and allowing that spiritual center to be the guiding force in my life. My thoughts touched on holding my newborn daughter and son; of the pain of losing a wife to cancer but the blessing of being able to take care of her in her final days—to have the maturity, courage, and wisdom to actually demonstrate love. A smile broke though the physical pain as I thought of the serendipity of meeting Patty at a spiritual retreat, the instantaneous connection we had, and the wonderful blessed life we share; a few friends crossed my thoughts—especially some I had been able to share deep feelings and beliefs and perhaps even help a little in their journey; I thought of the thrill and beauty I had seen riding my horses in the high mountain wilderness country. People—relationships—values, God, experiences, blessings were the summary of a lifetime.

I cannot choose to build a lifetime memory today but I can focus my attention and energy in areas that allow that to happen.

Prayer: My loving inner spirit, please increase my awareness of opportunities to build, expand, and reinforce the love I feel for someone and to actually do something instead of just thinking about it; help me be aware of any chance to spread the wealth of happiness, peace, and security that I enjoy; awaken in me the unexpected smile, cheerfulness, patience and tolerance; and guide me to acknowledge all the bountiful blessings in my life and kindle the flame of deep gratitude for each of these.