A thousand declarations of love mean less than one caring act.
- Do I speak of love but fail to demonstrate caring?
- Do I rail against the plight of the less fortunate but never volunteer to help?
- Do I proclaim that everyone has a right to their belief and opinions but close my ears and mind to what they say—or even denigrate that which does not agree with my ideas?
- Do I say that I respect others but participate in gossip?
- Do I bemoan poverty but fail to act with charity?
Words and intentions accomplish nothing without action.
I am too insignificant to change the world but have many opportunities to contribute to others, to perhaps improve one very small area of that one person’s life. I can give a “thank you” card for no reason, pause and listen with my heart when someone needs to share, or just clean the toilet. I can serve a meal in a shelter, visit a lonely senior, give money or time to a worthy charity, or actually be patient and loving when I feel like rushing away or screaming. Our world overflows with words and intentions but has much fewer healthy, loving actions. A tender act benefits the recipient and the giver.
Prayer: My inner guide, help me to realize that without action, my desires and intentions are as smoke in the wind; instill in me the initiative to act on my higher values and intentions; reveal the large and small acts of kindness that move me to be the best version of myself. Give me the “willingness to act”; strengthen me with your spirit and power to actually “do” in addition to loving and caring. It is my will that your will be done.
Take three relaxing breaths; ask your inner spirit to guide your meditation; reflect on the content, pausing for a few minutes in silence.