Actually living is more than just existing – more than being a passenger along for the ride. Living is not blindly accepting what the world tells us is important but developing our personal values, commitments, and priorities; it encompasses action, not procrastination; it demonstrates love and service, not indolence and inertia. Living implies that we recognize and accept our own shortcomings and are willing to improve; we feel the joy and the pain of life but do not have to suffer misery; we share our life with others and actively participate in their lives.

“Let live” implies that we do not get too upset about what others do or say or fail to do or say; we avoid unreasonable expectations of other people, situations, or our selves; we strive for patience, tolerance, humility and caring actions. This life does not means that we are a doormat for other people; when necessary, we always stand for our values with quiet poise, integrity, and dignity,

Prayer: My loving and merciful divine parent, please be patient with me. Help me to go forth this day with love, peace, and exuberance to enjoy a wonderful day; grant that I accept the frailties and humanity in myself and in all my spiritual family. Guide my thoughts, words, and actions today that I may enjoy your creation and see the best in the people I meet today.